Zevallos seeks to identify discursive texts and photos of acts of collective political disobedience, such as marches, strikes and revolts, in the publication Sociedad y Politica. He plans to address the following questions: What are the possible transmutations in normative knowledge and language? What is the relationship between voice, language, gestures and body behaviours in public acts of disobedience? How are the practices of his father, who worked for Sociedad y Politica, and the publication connected to his own? Zevallos also intends to link these acts of public disobedience with equivalent, more contemporary civil protests, locating historical moments of what he calls ‘exercises of the body and speech in a state of insurrection’.
Sergio Zevallos (Lima,1962) was co-founder of the Grupo Chaclacayo, a 1980s collective that addressed the intersection of religion, gender and armed conflicts. Zevallos works on issues of transcultural identity, gender and the relationship between the individual and institutions of power.