This series is the manifestation of a profound need to re-establish powerful connections between technology, imagination and freedom. Nowadays the promise of freedom through technology is arguably questionable, and there is an ongoing fascination with the coexistence of outdated and new physical devices. Far from being just a trend, these devices function like time machines, linking the past with the present and even projecting into the future. This project aims to reflect on the way we have embraced technological evolution as well as aspects of programmed obsolescence and its ecological consequences.
Fernando Manassero is a composer/musician/audiovisual artist based in Basel.

Manifested Dreams — Camp of the Exploited

Transterritorios: Laboratorio nómade de prácticas radiofónicas

Kwibuka, or How We Remember the Ending of Time

Bar Talks: An Online Queer Talk Show

Freedom Trap

Mental State of Time: Mobile Self-empowerment Workshops and Poster Action

The Kiewa River Sound Map

Body in Transit

From Underground to the Ground: Voices of Miners

Photo Archive of Korean Shrines and Shamans

Lengger-Gallogallina: A Transoceanic, Anticolonial Ritual for Ancestral Corpodivinities

Dances and Songs of the Forest – Field Research on Forest Knowledge –

Wandering Eye

Technostalgia Series

Scores for Attunement

-ov(a) -ev(a) -in(a)

Xiuhamatilizmatl: A Malacachtepec Momozco/Milpa Alta Herbarium

If Only

Doubt, Ufos and unpopular Archives

Museo Afroviviente


Ain't No Party Here

The School of Lost Knowledges

How to Turn a Body Inside Out

Face of the Motherland

Quem deu nome à Terra

War and Peace

Memoria Máquina

We Hid Everything Important

Via Verso

Beyond Wishful Thinking

Deterioration of Memory

My House Is a Magic Tree

Ost-östlicher Divan: Divarha/Duvarlar

The Library of Black Levity


Chris-sis: Inaccessible Files 00BC-Forever II

Holding Rivers, Becoming Mountains

Eure Wege im Unland

Institute for Post-Nationalist Technological Consciousness

I Don’t Want to Be Just a Memory

too cool to burn

Chattering of Teeth

The Singing Telegraph


The Non-Aligned Zagreb

As Loud as Daylight


From Body to Body

Monuments rapatriables, monuments rapatriés

We Have Always Lived in the End Times