Thomas Sankara, former president of Burkina Faso, is seen as Africa’s Che Guevara. I plan to continue researching his legacy and his commitment to anti-imperialism. He recognised the struggle against apartheid in South Africa as part of a larger global movement against oppression and exploitation. I will explore Sankara’s alliances with Angola and Mozambique, with whom South Africa had been at war during Apartheid. During the war in 1988 and 1989, I was conscripted to serve in the air force, flying to various basecamps in Namibia, Angola and Mozambique. I plan to revisit some of these places and conduct research by photographing landscapes, monuments and architecture, collecting field recordings, accessing relevant archives and interviewing affected people.
Abrie Fourie (b. 1969, Pretoria, South Africa) is a Berlin-based artist.