To apply, please fill in the form and upload your document (only one PDF of max. three pages). Receipt of applications will be confirmed via email. Please note:
- Applicants may submit only one application per year.
- Successful applicants who receive support may reapply only after a period of two years.
- A project that has been submitted once—regardless of whether it was selected for support—cannot be resubmitted in subsequent application cycles.
The PDF should include:
- a description of what you want to do (up to 500 words)
- examples of previous work
- a rough budget
- a brief CV (with relevant links)
The deadline for submission is 15 May 2025, 6 PM (Switzerland). The jury's decision will be emailed to you within four months after the deadline.
The grant does not cover the acquisition of hardware, tools or equipment. The Gwaertler Stiftung is not obliged to provide funding.